
Isocor is the company that, mainly, promotes and trades worldwide the products produced by the mother-house Sofalca. During its activity, trades the Expanded Corkboard and the Regranulate of Expanded Cork worldwide, searching and developing the required partnerships for it.

Although having a worldwide intervention, its main activities are in the european and Asian continents.

Expanded Corkboard

The ICB is a 100 % vegetable, originated from cork. This product originates from a renewable and sustainable raw material, since the cork is extracted without killing or doing any harm to the tree. The maintenance of the cork oak forest is an ecofriendly activity, keeping and preserving a very fragile and unique ecosystem.

Granules of Expanded Cork

One of the characteristics which makes Expanded Cork Board an ecological product is its capacity to be recycled. The result of this recycling is the Granulate of Expanded Cork, which is obtained by granulating the Expanded Cork Board.

  • 購物車內沒有任何商品。